Love Is Alive
Love is alive, living on the inside
A gift of the spirit from Jesus Christ
Love is alive, and it won’t misguide
Because of this Savior who sacrificed
Love is alive, always sharing kindness
Only one of its vibrant characteristics
Love is alive, a feeling that is priceless
Exceeding the delight in all the statistics
Love is alive, never expressing any envy
It fills up the heart with goodwill and favor
Love is alive, providing intimacy in plenty
Revealing a way to taste love’s subtle savor
Love is alive, seeking the best for others
Never pursuing its own selfish purposes
Love is alive, looking out for its brothers
Hoping to give generously of its services
Love is alive, always avoiding what is evil
Reaching out with good intentions, caring
Love is alive, watching out for an upheaval
Giving itself from the heart with no sparing
Love is alive, rejoicing in all that is truth
Bearing all that comes to destroy its joy
Love is alive, discovering ways to sooth
Wise and charming just like a little boy
Love is alive, believing every heart’s hope
Reassuring the spirit with genuine sensitivity
Love is alive, enduring so that we can cope
Inspiring the deepest feelings of creativity
Love is alive, never failing to give of itself
Like a whisper of compassion and altruism
Love is alive, forever improving oneself
With a sense of appreciation and optimism
Love is alive, living on the inside
A gift of the spirit from Jesus Christ
Love is alive, and it won’t misguide
Because of this Savior who sacrificed