Love Is Blind
Love can be blind if and when she chooses to be.
And I have come to know at least three types of love.
May I not rock the boat, but have I really seen blind love?
The love from above sees nakedly, and loves anyway.
The love from a true friend is like a custom made camera that developes a picture of you, but exposes far less than it sees in you.
Perhaps romantic love is most vulnerable when she refuses to see.
Romantic love, emotionally charged, sees through clouded lenses.
Nevertheless, it’s clear to me also that love sometimes serves us best,
when she withholds that which may well shatter our stable nest.
She will often reveal 'in part', in the interest of what’s best for us.
She opens the book of facts, but leaves some things to discuss.
She delivers from deep darkness, but withholds the brightest light.
She takes a back seat, more willing “to love” than “to be right”
Loves sees both weaknesses and strengths, but continues to build the bridge.
She hears rumors and tastes the bitterness; but still finds a way to make it sweet. She sees the imperfections and feels the pain, but loves just the same.
No, she’s neither ignorant nor naïve, and knows the danger of being deceived.
She’s just willing to keep believing in you, never giving up on you, ever rooting for you, ever coping with you. Ever hoping.
03262016 PS Contest, Free Verse On Love 111, Laura Loo 10/28/17; i st Contest, July Standard, Strand, NA