Love Is Everything Between Man N Woman
Tis now be is
Another man
has approached
asking if I would consider
If I would marry him?
He looked at me
Said... smiling firmly...
God has blessed me
with a Beautiful woman
I said I am happy for you
Than the man went on
said... Yes.. and I am going to
be getting a New house
for her and I
I said Wow that is a blessing
I am sure she would love it
Praises be to God Almighty
that he has given you her
He than smiled said yes
for tis YOU...
I said oh... no you mistaken
I am not in-love with you
He than said.. does it matter?
I said Oh.. yes.. for sure
Love does matter
when it comes between
a man and a woman
than the man said
I don't care if
You this woman
doesn't love me
All that matters
is you come live
with me...
take care of my house
and clean...
pay attention.. loving my teens
I have two boys...
they are a hand ful..
and I shall expect
for you to give me
of what ever I request..
I looked at him
I said.. oh.. my..
there is no way..
I would
for I not in love with you
again than he said...
what does Love have to do with it???
I said.. than unto him
Love is Everything..
Between Man & Woman
To share.. live.. laugh
and both be happy..
I than told him
I would pray
for God to make a way
that he would come
to the light.. to see
What should really be..
Between two
man and woman
Than I said I shall pray
God will bless you someday
with whom ever tis be..
For I am telling you
Tis Not me...
Than the man said
I.. will be back
I know you
will change you mind
when I show you pics..
of our new house
I than said.. I am sorry
I shall not wed.. to you..
For than I asked him
to leave..