Love Is Forever
When life presents us with challenges, then the only way forward is to get through them.
We are harsh at times, stern, and we place restrictions upon ourselves and everyone else
Simultaneously, we've all cared, we've been appreciative, and always willing
We are open, concerned, and we are allowing
At the same time, within emotions, our negative temperament has pushed us away from each other
At times, When we can't find the answers outside ourselves, then the answers would lie within.
Music triggers our soul. The silence between music, this is the reasons for the beauty of this sound.
What is good at one moment, it's not at another time.
What was bad back then, really was not at all.
The only thing that is sure in life is change.
Uncertainty always presents us with fear
Acceptance of uncertainty and embracing change is the only frame of mind that can push us forward.
Give love to everyone, because it's free, but be cautious about whom you give yourself too
Be forgiving and try to let go of the hurt in the past
Share the happy moments with others, so that they may share the sad times with us
We are all human beings, and we make mistakes all the time, its how we would learn.
Every one of us has a purpose in life, no matter how trivial it may be
We all have a spark of divinity within us... even those who we may consider to be the worst
We are never alone, but we are alone all the time
What we think, it is what we would create
How we think, then so we become
Be kind to everyone, and they would be kind to us
The everything and the nothing...
Life's Oxymoron
All that is... from all what was
All that was, towards all that can be
And who are we...
We are all of the oneness, part of the whole, all connected to the source of spirituality
Our purposes is to learn from ourselves, and the experiences with each other
To become more...
To understand who we are, and this becomes the memories that we would be
To know that people are more important that material gains
In the end, we are all about feelings
How we love, it is equivalent to, how we are loved
There is really only one religion...
This is truth
Truth is a singularity, and would always exist
We are, TRUTH...
And We would always exist
Love would always exist
We would last forever...
Love would, always last, as within, and forever would be...
Te amor infinity...