Love Is Key
Mental Illness not just a topic of discussion.
A subject that many distance themselves,
as if they will suffer sever repercussion.
Left to unfortunately so many.
And carried out by an alarming few.
The true reality of this illness is cast
down, ignored and simply dismissed.
Biological and spiritually this illness is
growing fervently in our very mist.
It's no ones fault.
It's not an excuse.
It' not meant to be embarrassing.
No matter how you may feel about it.
Mental Illness in community does exist.
Genealogy throws many unexpected minds.
Into what can become.
Permanently a minds break down.
Cast into a valley that feels more like
a dark and consuming vault.
Respond in love towards those that
are suffering from this disease.
Starting off with love in your heart,
your mind in dealing with this illness.
Will feel more compassion and will
be at ease.
Mental illness exist in our family,
our friends, loved ones and can
overtake anyone.
Including you and Including me.
Love is the key in any matters of life.
Start with love and be a blessing to
someone whose mind is filled with
turmoil and daily strife.
Start with the love you have,
already deep within you.
Trust that the Lord,
will indeed bless you.
God will give you every
key you will need.
To bring your loved ones through.
Respect the rights of those going through.
Do unto others.
As you wish others to do unto you.