Love Is Like Glitter In the Air
Love is like glitter in the air
It's everywhere you go, no matter who you are
Some people like it some people don’t
Others believe it sparkles their world
While the rest believe it makes it worse
Nothing can stop it from spreading
In every corner that you go, there is a speck of love
Waiting to be released out into the world
Love comes in different colors just like glitter
It can be dark as a soul
Or be as colorful as a rainbow
No one knows when it arrives
But it's unstoppable just like glitter
When being sad about love ,
Instead admire it while it lasts
Because love doesn’t really exist
It's all just a sparkly vision in your head
Because the color of love and glitter fade away
But unlike love, glitter sparkles until the end
Love is like glitter in the air