Love Is Love
Love is not a volatile shallow stream,
There's whirlpool of passion and zeal within;
Liking is not love or vice versa seem,
Love is its sole kind; love alone can win;
Love can be concern, union, emotion,
Affection, evaluation, tight-bond,
Ready, even to sacrifice one's self;
With these, love moves like a locomotion;
There are, often, hopes that look like mere fond,
Love, like its name, contains all in itself...!
Love, I could feel, is reciprocity,
Give-and-take; take and give; joy overflows;
Wherever there seems an atrocity,
Though be alone, love stands and does oppose;
Love is not merely a flesh-blood substance,
It's heart-piercing ardor-filled fine feeling,
Love is greatest of divine fellowship;
Though, at times, it does things in reluctance,
Owing lack of therapeutic healing,
Conviction-filled duties, love does not skip...!
Love bestows values of every nature,
Love lets revaluation of values;
Love is love's unrivaled nomenclature,
Whatever is not love, love devalues;
None knows where did and does this love come from,
Do tempests bring this here on endless earth?
Do volcanoes and tsunamis accord?
When hostilities turn me wholly numb,
When inertia finds its dearth of mirth,
Love and love could be the only concord...!!!
29 April 2022