Love Is Needed To Change Hearts and Minds
They are mad
They want to rip you apart, and you do not know them.
Or they you.
You are horrified.
You cringe.
Hold up. Have you forgotten the power of love?
Throw love their way.
Not in words; but in prayers,
In thoughts, in silence
Encouraging them to express their feelings
Seeking to understand so you can give them more love.
People say they want world peace, yet they throw gasoline on
The flames of hatred that should already be dissipated in smoke
Too many people are throwing kerosene on other's feelings.
Why are people mean and mad? Why are they haters, bullies?
Because they are scared. Terrified, and they know no other way.
Show them love, show them appreciation, give them your hope.
Inspire and encourage them to develop their own hope.
Love is needed to change hearts and minds.
Love is necessary to build houses for the ones who need them.
Love is neighbors, community, puppies, dogs, kittens, joy, peace.
Love is what is needed. Like air and water, except more important.