Love Is Unconditional
"You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky,
the waves in my ocean, and the beat of my heart. "
There are many different kinds of love in life,
its a force of nature out of our control;
and we all know that sometimes it cuts like a knife,
beautiful, magical it fills up our soul.
When I met my true love I fell into his eyes,
and love hit us like lightning and there was a bond;
it can never be turned off and it never dies,
bigger than the wind, rain, the stars, moon and beyond.
The love of family is deep and forever,
my mother and father were my anchor and rock;
the love for my siblings I can never sever,
grandma, grandpa I miss with each tick of the clock.
And love of a pet is the cruelest love of all,
their time on earth is short but their love has no end;
pets teach unconditional love and the downfall,
of this love is for the grief that will never mend.
January 30, 2021
Poetry/Rhyme/Love is Unconditional
Copyright Protected, ID 01-1324-885-30
All Rights Reserved, 2021, Constance La France
Written for the Standard contest, What is Love
sponsor, Unseeking Seeker, Judged 02/08/2021
Second Place