Love Journey
Love Is War
Date: Sat, Nov 7 2015 at 6:37 PM
I wonder who will walk with me thru the "Storm"
To keep my hands "Warm"
With a Crown of "Thorns"
Shirt Worn "Torn"
Body "Scorned"
Walking on "Horns
Flames of fire on the ground "Formed"
That's a fire storm "Fire "Born"
Since I met her my Fire "Broiling"
While her Soul "Ferment" Hawking with me through Fire "Torrents"
Our Souls on Fire while the Love "Storming" to "Endurance" Her Heart "Enormous" She smiles at the Devils "Torments" She Growls an Howls while the Moon "Glowing"
Her Face "Golden" like the Sun "Rosen"
Her Hair Whistles when the Wind "Spoken"
I need you to be my "Friend" an my "Component"
I fall fast into "Emotions"
She Swim with me Across the "Oceans"
I'll walk through Hell "Blindfolded" With My "Eyes" Swollen" "Bulged" In with no "Eye" "Focus" Using my other Senses to "Motion"
While Lions "Roaring" I'm a "Fighting" "Taurus"
Using my Third Eye No "Horus"
Staying True has it's "Rewarding"
A Thousand Armies I'll War "Against"
Make me feel like Love from Fairytales "Exist"
Legend has it that it's a"Myth"
Type to Blow the devil a "Kiss"
If you not going to fight then "Run"