Love Letter
My Dearest Ariel Flywheel,
When we first met I couldn't take my eyes off of you
I remember like yesterday flying around at the local zoo
you had delicately landed on someones leftovers french fries
while I dove in like a b bomber and took you by surprise,
At first you didn't like me telling me to buzz off
but I was so wings over heels attracted I kept flirting at all costs
you finally fell under my spell and invited me over to eat
I remember while I was eating feeling my fly heart skip a beat,
I could tell you had quite an appetite while you ate your fries
and to protect you I'd glance around for people with my five eyes
I know that while we dated we both had some pretty close calls
like the time we almost got squashed at the food court in the mall,
I no longer want to be a fly bachelor living all alone
that is why I hope you will accept my marriage proposal
we have so much in common loving the same kind of food
not only french fries but also dining on some animal's poop,
So lets make today special as hopefully we become engaged
and take a ride on the camels hump like we did on our first date
then we'll fly from picnic table to table for our french fries
I know if we stick together like fly paper our love will surely survive,
I love you so much and want you to have my little flies
caring for you during our short life span up until we die
we could both set up a fly house in the sheep's stall
and roll around in the hay every night and have ourselves a ball.
PS And remember I've only had eyes for you since we met at the zoo!
Love forever,
Marty McFly