Love Letter
Sweet Heart
I am here!
Few feet apart
In the same garden
Me! Plant, white Hibiscus
found you all on a sudden
My dream girl! Cheerful Land Lotus.
Blooming proud with white blaze in morning,
slowly turning pleasant pink in evening.
Enchanted, charmed in splendid sparkle.
Your elegant beauty made a miracle.
Sent my adoration through breeze
My Love! Please reciprocate
You nodded smooth at ease.
My love to accept.
My pollen flown
as wind flew.
Spread on
Pure Perfect fertilization to bring
Our marvelous wonderful off spring
White Hibiscus and Land Lotus
on natural unison
produced nice HIBITUS
White turns soft crimson
Change of color
New Species
Note. In my garden Blooming White Hibiscus on land Lotus Plant turns pink at evening. Plant is grown naturally not a product of artificial breeding
Love letter Contest by Viv Wigley
Second Place