Love Letter From My Heart
years have past since I felt loves spark
Dancing through the park
Trying to kick start my lonely heart
Getting my feelings out there among the visual arts
Hoping to find a place to out smart
What makes love disappear into the dark
Keeping a safety chain around all the best parts
Looking for a woman willing to give all her heart
Realizing when love starts your way
You must have all your feelers on display
Igniting emotions that have come into play
Trusting God has brought fourth that special day
Igniting my spirit like a shooting dart
Seeking to find a loving heart
That captures loves spark
Leaping through all the top charts
Finding a woman who is ready to depart
One that is beautiful, cunning and smart
Real cutie that is full of internal beauty
Who is proud of her outstanding booty
Woman whose love is on full duty
She is done eluding the past
Someone who lives in the moment having a blast
Who is ready for true love that will surpass
Creating everlasting feelings that will surly last
When all the parts of my heart are unmast
Revealing an amazing sweetheart
Who wants forever love from the very start