Love Like Water
The first time you kissed me it was by a body of water,
The sun was shining so bright it was blinding, just like your kiss,
I never seen it coming, it was like a car crash in a blind side,
Before then, i didn’t imagine being more than best friends,
i didn’t imagine that kiss or my life with you,
But now, i want our love to be like that body of water,
i want it to be Deep and everlasting,
where people stop and stare to see the beauty in the colors of the water,
I want to be wrapped up in your waves, drowning in your love.
I want to be how the fish are to water, living there because that’s the only way
they could survive.
I want my lungs to fill up with you making it so i can’t breathe because isn’t that
what love is?
I want to be able to float even when i’m almost sinking,
I want to look at you, and see my reflection on who i want to be, and where i want
to be,
You can be a piece of art every time i see you, filled with words and emotions, but
also full of life.
You are like the water, warm and embracing if you allow it,
I want our love to be full of colors and life, carrying the reflection of others, but
also carrying the waves of joy and passion.
I want our love to be like an ocean, that we will remember forever.