Love Lost Gaze Story Poem
In a squat way at the back of high street
Lived a blue-eyed soul, Orpheus his name.
A blues and roots minstrel of rock and beat,
He was a living legend, with fame aflame.
Eurydice was his radiant star.
They sang and danced clasped together tight.
In duet jives, beating twelve to the bar.
But cruel fate ruined all this one dark night.
Eurydice was drugged by a snake.
She died, her spirit falling without trace,
Into the Hades dark arms at daybreak.
Orpheus loss gutted, missed her embrace.
Orpheus, maddened sad by love's despair,
Entered the underworld, to get her back.
Reliant on songs of hope and prayer,
To free Eurydice from the attack.
Orpheus' music pierced evil ears.
With his words of sorrow, lifting the shades,
Making the underworld weep, and shed tears,
Making the guard dog, slacken its charades.
Hades hood-winked by the sad sorrow song,
Agreed to let her go on the proviso,
That Orpheus would not look back along
Their journey back from Hell's gate to Soho.
Hades knew well that the urge to look back
By Orpheus would grow and grow too strong
As their path grew lighter from gloom doom black
Love would no longer postpone their duet song.
As light was in sight, journey's end so near,
The longing to see his love one triumphed!
Whispers of doubt echoed drones in his ear.
Surely the pledge he made could be defaulted?
As he looked back and smiled, his love faded.
Eurydice shrunk to ghost, slid away.
Orpheus left alone, gutted and jaded
Was tormented by remorse, tears could not allay
His music now has a somber sad tone,
Seeking some solace in each note he plays,
With his black heart blues hoping to atone
For the love he lost, for wanting love's gaze.