Love Made a Way
Wistful thoughts rain over my heart,
Silencing my prayers,
Erasing my hope –
This is melancholy, the reflective darkness,
When doubts color me gray,
Desperate to take away the inspirations,
Who remind me that, even in grief,
There is a light – reflecting the gentleness,
The kindness and the grace, despite the emptiness,
There is a sense of peace,
A memory, sad because it’s gone –
Remembering, the joy and the hope,
The beautiful beneath the shadow’s song,
The invitation to believe there is tomorrow,
The wonder, contemplating the heart…
Soulful courage, keeping the promises,
Dreams, regrets, shining sorrows –
Will there be a memory tossed over the soul,
Memory of laughter, smiling like the heart
Who knows that, even in grief, there is time
For sharing the contemplations,
The music, graceful and sure, abiding in the heart
Who knows that love is an open door –
Welcoming the distraught, the tearful thought,
The anguished and the weeping …
Brokenhearted, inconsolable, mourning,
The time, the past – precious past,
Before I would realize that the season has come –
You passed by the Autumn of your years…
Never experienced the equinox, the tears,
You passed into Winter, where you would crash into the freezing
Cold, holding on only long enough to truly let go,
You, my dear friend – fell into the end,
With a grace that can only be told by the one who knows
Your memory is the lasting kind, the generous and it will survive
Surviving the darkest sigh…
Pensive pain, yet I am certain –
Because of the One who made a way,
There will come a day – one day..
When I’ll see you, again, face to face.
Love made a way!