Love Manifesto
It is love, not loss, we expect,
we long for and belong with,
we seek within
a cooperative economic network
rather than a competitive gain-over-loss
capital-rooted value system.
Love evolves more resonantly
and robustly
than fear
and hatred
and apathy
and dispassion,
yet we have planted our economy in competition,
in Win v. Lose survivalist presumptions,
where losing wants
is never a way to know and grow love
rather than felt needs,
an economy with co-passionate outcomes
rather than an EarthTribe ecology
with catastrophic ecocidal outcomes.
We respond to globally competitive nightmares
with locally cooperative beds we invest in,
and sleep in, together.
We know
how to grow
polyculturally adept cooperatives
and lifestyles
investing more resources developing love-life
in local raised beds
and less time making war on community gardens
Win-to-Lose commands aiming ballistics at others' homes
evokes global health impeachment
immediate removal of all community mediation authority
save that remaining while shunned
within domestically arrested home
and private
contemplative garden.
Directives to violently destroy and kill
self v Other ex-communicate,
enforced by omnipresent
co-passionate maintenance
of cooperative economic governance,
revolutionary regenerative
EarthTribe integrity.
A "free" global market
cannot become possessed through monopolistic investments
in anthro-capitalist marketing;
that is an "enslavement" market
for Earth exploitive sake,
rather than for goodness
and healthy sake.
Highest consumer values
cannot efficiently evolve and sustain life
through a lowest producer cost denominator.
Producers are also consumers
are also potential reproducers
are also regenerative reconsumers
in a Win-Win Balancing Game Theory
of ecological sacred economics.
Redemption economics,
like permaculture design,
unlike Business-As-Usual anthro-centric assumptions,
invests intentional,
systematic notice of "lost" debris in our lives,
dissonance and disease and division,
and insanity and unnecessary risks
to move inclusive well-loved polycultural outcomes
into the next season of gated community planning,
the next ballistic budget year
Rather than Earth's next regenerative opportunity
to improve our co-passionate egos
and other eco-positive optimization outcomes,
reducing global wealth loss
and health risk
and pleasures impassioned dispossession
set aside for ever more
interim competitive dispositions.
Could humanity plan to co-redeem our dispossessions?
over love-life sustaining time
by fully embodying cooperative time's slower dancing constraints.
We might rebuild our cooperatively informed neuro-network
of Win-Win strategies and communication design
to recognize our Emperors With No Integrity,
enabling entitlements of violent mendacity,
as self-marketed monocultural supremacist "Winners"
overlording "Losers"
on a planet of vicious parasites
hard tooth
and sharp nail
evolving punishing Earth Rights
devoid of naturally cooperative laws
and sacred EarthTribe standards
of interdependent love-life
neurosystemic optimization.
We could exercise Earth's preferential option
for minor league local cultures
with small pond productive consumers,
each a sustained winner together in local communities
and cooperative homes
Tender co-passionate beds
with multicultural justice heads.
An economic footprint is made by a political shoe,
but is not the empowered shoe itself.
Cooperative space is made through time
but is not enlightening EarthTime Herself.
An economic blueprint is made in empowering experience
planning our ecological lives toward loving rhyme.
We are abundant co-operativity of love
self-respecting and Other integrating
with, for, and by each echoing
resolving co-infestment,
resonantly destined
resiliently entwined
pleasure impassioned
neuro-systemic co-investment.