Love Me Mercilessly - Revised - Final
Love Me Mercilessly
This ring, hot, like a brand against my skin.
Agonizing, blissful, as it permanently leaves its mark.
I covet you. I crave you. I need you.
I want your love to burn right through me.
Suffocate me. Breathe you in, fill my lungs, gasping, drowning, euphoric.
Bring me to the brink of death, with the tips of your fingers. Touch me.
Lips like cyanide; seeped through my veins, encompassed, lost in your kiss.
Your gaze pierces me like a knife.
My tortured heart beats as if its only mission is to escape its cell.
Cut down deep. Expose this frail beating heart.
I gave you my life, and you loved me mercilessly.
Take me, destroy me, envelope me, we soon become one.
I am you. You are me. We are.
Your eulogy promises to be mine:
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor a man.
A man who sacrificed himself in two little words, and a promise to become one with me.”
In sacrificial death, you took my life with your own two hands. Till death do us part.
Bury me, leave me where I cannot be found. I’ll never leave you.
Let my epitaph read “Here lies the man who lost himself, when he found you.”