Love Poem: Love Money and Marriage
Allan Terry Avatar
Written by: Allan Terry

Love Money and Marriage

Loves complicated
seems we neglect details
keep each other feelings in perspective
sorting through details
getting it right
making it last
complimenting one another
meaning everything we say
in regards to one anothers feelings
we put our pride away
settling down
doesn't mean settling for anything
Love , money and marriage
means respecting
what the other needs
I aint gonna be
She won't let me
Baby, Baby
what we gon' do
Getting it right
making it past
those stumbling block
where we can't see through
getting rid of friends
looking to the end
and needs known
Love, Money and Marriage
Love, money and Marriage
can't get this
gotta save for that
fix it right
where are my tools at
gotta slow down
on certain things
some people like
undermining things