Love Mute
She was sitting alone immersed in a book,
far away from her surrounding, her eyes
somewhere else, somewhere inside.
Deep in thought, beautiful abandoned.
I had a blind date and we were a mismatch,
impassable differences. We left quickly and then
I came back, happy to see she was still there.
In her was everything I wanted in a woman,
her body language a sure sign. Her wonderful eyes
a ray of sunshine, her mouth the tongue of love.
A slight smile on the corner of her lips, a hopeful
response to my glare, waved me to sit by her side
and after I said my name she wrote on a napkin.
Nice name. I am mute.
I was ready to spend hours with her.
The clouds were forming over us like a sheet.
I put my arms around her.
Love is a friend that understands without needing