Love Mystery of the Gods
Elusive is its grasp..
Mystical is its maze...
Never ceases to amaze...
Even in pain a smile it gives..
Even when wronged so easily it forgives..
The heart of a lover is always serene...
Never can be harmful ..scheming or mean...
Growing in love...falling from the skies...
A free fall ...making you feel so tall...
No fear of failure...No reason or care...
Oh all hurtful screams beware...
For no one can touch this bliss...
A true love that even thrives when there is no lovers kiss....
Its beyond the physical realms of the limited worldly understanding...
A dimension far from the limited vision of the mind..
An intense , untouched by time or reason..sacred and intense Bonding..
Touched by this emotion...we reach immense devotion...
No sadness ..exists happiness persists...just a deep embedded this..
Love the magical mystery of the gods...
It flows unknown to us in our veins ...and when we can find traces..
We have found ourselves..we have found our true purpose awe souls rejoice divinity embraces...
As we hear the entire universe applaud...
Penning By Random Ruhi~~~