Love Never Dies
You heard it right, old people make love
Doesn't end at a predetermined age
We love until that Man upstairs calls us
With your parents it's still the rage
When I was a very much younger lad
Thought it died when people became parents
Bickering about this thing and that each day
No time for those intimate moments
What I failed to see behind closed doors
The spark that remains through the years
No matter the age, love still reigns supreme
So you young people, have no fears
Trust me, have I ever lied to you before
Well maybe a little white lie now and then
But about love and the older generation
Well no way, wouldn't even pretend
So breathe easier my very young people
I'm a prime example of endurance
Been making love almost sixty-five years
Still do when I get the chance!
© Jack Ellison 2013