Love No Matter What (For Rosie)
"when the dust has settled
on my gravesite lawn
and grass sod sprouts
next to the mighty blue spruce
and all the mourners,
few or many,
have long settled the
debts of their memories,
I will lie,
awaiting you...
My love, oh my love...
forgive me...
for not being able in life,
to make you happy...
to settle you...
but you'll always
be, too me, my wife.
I'm sorry my body
seemed to betray me
this last time...
but of my love-
be assured...
I will succeed
with you next time
we've danced our lives
around each other
in oh,so many, many lives
the bond of years in thousands
unbroken by fate or death
and will continue on
until eternity decides to end
in this last life
I tried to protect you
and shower you with love
and I succeeded...but...
somehow, it got lost found
and eternity
will witness my love
of a rose so sweet
and pained...
that nothing from above-
can explain to you
my reasons
for failure so profound-
but love goes on
maybe someday-
you'll have found-
that I might -
send you roses
each valentine's day
each year
like in a sad poem
I'd read
regardless of where I may
in silver clouds
above your lovely head
or in the morning mist
which surrounds
a flower bed-
love goes on-
on and on-
life after life
failed this time,
it seems
but yet-
you are my "wife"
and love is an energy
seperate from reality
its sweet, and endless
never far
from our hearts
I love you
I always will
I hope you forgive me
For all my failings
you were my only success."