Love of the Chase
If my mistakes didnt talk so loud , and my past didnt follow behind like pigpens dirt cloud,
Would that be able to remove all of your doubt, so you could see my potential and how by me you could stand proud, to the world my love for you i shout, because girl to me you like insulin to a diabetic, i need you like surgery needs anesthetic, the first girst to get my heart to tame , just check the exray, there's a flag with your name, the first and the last ill ever let stake that claim, ill be your guardian from fear so you wont need to hide, your shoulder to lean on and the one in which you can confide, because when your gone i fiend. For you like rick james did cocaine, and if they took you to russia id get there even if i have to use a mowers motor to make a plane or build a track across the ocean so that I can take the train, because i cant just lose this pleasure i feel when we're together, i cant let you go ill stop loving you never