Love Once Loved
The inviting scent of love and innocence
that once emanated from your adolescent heart
now breathes of the most odious redolence
from which your malefic soul painfully imparts.
Your eyes that once flickered to capture my heart
have grown distant and dim from the vim of hell
that lurks cold and impatient beneath the dark
thoughts that will forever plague your murderous soul.
Your touch that once warmed my coldest of waking dreams
has grown brittle and rigid from the withering
emollients of blessings that God anoints our souls
with while we lay in the womb of His love unperishing.
And I say unto you that no angel in heaven
shall wave a wing to proffer a soothing breeze
within the slightest of reprieve towards the seething
temp of the damned from which you shall never leave.