Love Partner Besotted Magic
I love you even more when day is dawning
When you wake up in the morning
Without last nights make-up on
I don't know where you come from
Or why I stare more and more
Having seen you a thousand times before
Maybe its because you are so hard to ignore
I love the way you sleep
I love the way I can't take my eyes of you
Even when you are doing something as trivial as sweeping
My only regret is that we didn't meet year's earlier
So I could have seen you even more
I love you to my core
I love walking behind you onto the dance floor
I love you so much I wonder if I am in fear of loosing touch
Or of never knowing despair
But for in the here and now
I don't care so long as i can stroke you hair
And kiss you on the cheek
All I ever wanted , all I ever needed
Is here by my side
And I thank God i am alive