Love Poem: Love Sciences
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Written by: Mark Stucky

Love Sciences

Love Sciences By Mark D. Stucky
If romantic love requires “chemistry,” how elemental for love is physics? Negative and positive charges lustfully attract one another. But proceed with caution! Matter and antimatter explosively combine and annihilate each other! Could other science disciplines facilitate our quest for love? Could linguists of love teach us shared languages? Could astronomers of love chart love’s celestial paths? Could cartographers of love map out love’s landscapes? Could biologists of love catalog love’s varieties? Could ecologists of love optimize love’s environments? Could botanists of love cultivate love in fertile fields? Could pathologists of love determine causes when love dies? Our divided, hostile world requires love applications to bridge countless gaps of misunderstanding and to bandage bleeding wounds battered by apathy and hate. Could love sciences supply solutions? Could we educate everyone in the engineering of love? (Originally published in Small Town Anthology Volume X: Entries from the Tenth Annual Tournament of Writers, Vicksburg Cultural Arts Center, 2024, pp. 56-57. See also my poems “The Invention of Love” and “Tweeting the Truth in Love.”) (Image by Alexander Sinn on