Love Sees What Hate Can'T
Loves looks out of blue skies from the top of the hill,
Hate looks out from the shadows of the valley below.
Love with the warmth of the sun on the shoulders sees what is
pure in the morning air.
Hate still covered in the frost from the night before,
only sees through eyes that are cold.
Love always sees a glimmer of hope,
Where hate sees none.
Love sees potential,
Where hate sees only misery and destruction.
Love sees what second chances can do,
Hate can't see past its own shadow.
Love knows when to move on from infertile ground,
Leaving behind embers that can be yet rekindled if God so wishes.
Hate can't see clearly enough to give up on revenge.
Love looks for broken hearts to mend and minds to clear of hate,
Hate looks for hearts to turn black and confused minds to work on.
Love is kind to human flesh, giving it a healthy glow,
Hate eats away at it and ages it prematurely.
Love sees in many colours and works in lots of different ways,
Hate sees only in one colour and always works in the dark.
Love looks to new beginnings,
Hate always looks to past wrongs.
Love always walks with a lighted candle so it can see where it is needed,
Hate looks for the lighted candle so it can snuff it out.
Love sees even the end of hate.
Hate sees nothing but its own reflection.