Love Shines At Night
Love shines at Night
Moon shines up high
on dark night sky.
Blue stars to blink.
Your eyes to blink.
Night is nice, fine.
Love me, be mine.
Dear, I love you.
Do love me too.
Full Moon, big round
We are spell bound.
Lend me your hand.
Night is great grand.
My Dear, come close.
Take this red rose.
Do not feel shy.
Free love will fly.
Love blows in blood.
Love flows in flood.
We will not miss
our deep dense kiss.
No stress, no strain.
Soul, heart, mind, brain
though in full form
whirl in love-storm.
your look, your smile
Your touch, your style
Soft, sweet, but bright.
Not strong, just right.
Through your pressed lips
off-on, smile slips.
You are for me.
I am for thee.
'128 words' Contest by Silent One
Second Place