Love Slave
Love Slave
By Rick Rucker
Is it you, that makes the Sun shine down so hot on me?
Is it you, that has changed the color of the skies?
Is it you, that has made me feel so truly free?
A coincidence that the Heavens are the color of your eyes?
Have you done all these wondrous things?
Could one person possibly do all those things I accuse of you?
And be the architect of the fountain, from which my Love springs?
And to have put me on the path to Love, so Pure and True?
Never Before, have I felt what I feel when I gaze into your eyes,
A feeling that transcends all Time and Space,
My only fear, that you are the Devil in disguise,
But far more likely, an Angel, full of Good, and Grace.
Only a fool would question his extraordinary Luck,
The bounteous gift that has been bestowed onto me,
I am afraid though, that with me, you are stuck,
For, forever, your very willing slave is what I will ever be!