Love Speaks To Those Who Listen
Let your feelings guide you
seems you fall in love so
let your feelings guide you
wearing your heart on your
seems to be a noble thing
you should see if the outcome
will be worth it
distracting your mind with
experiences of love
while those you trust under-
mind and are mettling
sample the night and mingle
maybe someone will catch
your eye
keep tamed and don't dive
in heart-first
take it one day at a time
your needs and wants
seems should come first
two lovers can remain sweet
and kind
this is to remind
it's only to remind
Ce înseamna dragostea langage
pe care il în?elegi ?
Com vorbesti cand
faci compromisisuri?
Putem iubi?
Putem fi impreuna?
we are two imperfect people
who refuse to give up on
one another!
By. Solfa Cipher