Love Stoned
I don't know what the future holds for us
But I do know we are together now
As I pray we make it through...
Sweetest lover,
I wish to spend the rest of my life with you
The man in whose arms I hope to die
You've given me not just love
But sweet love!
I'm lying on my bed
Reminiscing the things we did together
More-so, the things you did to me.
Your magic touch
The wet kisses
Your caresses
The cuddling
And the sweet love we made
Babes, it feels so right!
Only distance stands in my way
Makes me miss you so much
Leaves me longing to see your sweet face.
I know I can't be with you tonight
But my heart is by your side.
My body and soul
Craves your presence so much much it makes my breadth seize
I'm proud of you!
Treasured moments are those times we were together.