Love Story
Sometimes there was nothing, tongue in the way,
maybe I was thinking pussy, cat taken it away,
other times it flowed, as tho' like this every day,
then I just dried up again, didn't know what to say.
You spoke for both of us, I was the incubus,
not a fiend, rather a friend, couldn't see the end,
couldn't see how lucky I was since yesterday,
became tongue-tied again, didn't know what to say.
Then there were three breaks, down, up and through,
when you get those, you're not sure what to do,
there's a plan that you should just go your own way,
but then, we said - one more try, didn't know what to say.
Didn't know that we could love each other even more,
and the power would be unimaginable, just like before.