Love Such Long Time Ago
Love…Such Long Time Ago
Summers I dream of you and I say to myself if I had
played my cards right my life would have taken another,
path, only I don´t play cards and love has nothing to do
with poker, you can´t win in love even if you have aces.
It takes commitment, honesty and no fear of passing
rejection. I wanted to take you to USA, drive through
the states an make love to you in everyone and I would
kiss your beautiful body, inhale your fragrance and not
worry about tomorrow. I had the air ticket and money,
Florida the first objective, but you were so impossible
beautiful and I could not cope if you said no; and if you
had said yes, how would I cope with your loveliness?
I feared that on our journey you would find a bloke who
could dance, leave let me continue a boundless journey
through the USA. I would not know how to get home cause
you are cleverer than me and knew how to read a map…
my map was love for you, sometimes, that is not enough.
My love is infinite and as it is it will continue this way
… a dream and children I never had. I ask: forgive my timid
heart and let me sleep.