Love Sucks
Single sexy stuttering simple sue,
Loved lean laughing lisping Lou,
She spoke softly slow sentences,
Lou lisped loud without pretences!
Often were out on romantic dates,
By heart and mind such good mates,
Joked and laughed their whole time,
Spoke in stutters and lisped in rhyme!
Said she one day in romantic note,
How do you likke mmmy leather coat?
He laughed lisped “ you loos fo dood!
By that he meant ‘you look so good!’
Days passed,they were ready to wed,
She wanted him one day in her bed,
She made the bold move and asked
If hhhe wwwould stay for breakfast?
He feigned a surprise with a smile,
He pretended about it for a while,
Then with a lisp he said “Yef, I fould!”
With that he meant “Yes! I would!”
That night together in love cocoon,
He opened all his heart to her soon,
To ‘suck’ with her was always his dream,
So she promptly took him out for an ice cream!
For those in love who stutter or lisp,
Here is a message, short and crisp,
If you want to say something inviting,
Do communicate your love, in writing!
Written 09/august/2020
Sponsor Kai Michael Neumann
It Sucks poetry contest!