Love To My Daughter
I wrote this years ago when my daughter was struggling with 5 deaths in 1 year.
She was also dealing with bi-polar and was only 9 or 10 years old then.
Baby Girl...........These years have been so tough, I think back.
You ever wonder why people choose to do the things they do?
You of all people, do know the pain and heartache of missing someone who isn`t here anymore.
But what you fail to realize is that someone doesn't have to die to miss them.
I miss the loving, caring little girl.
The happy, hopeful child, that smiled at the littlest things.
And made me smile at some of the most unexpected, wonderful things.
I miss my daughter.
The loving, caring, helpful, unselfish, wonderful daughter.
But through it all, you are still my beautiful daughter.
Whatever is going on within you, has changed you.
And to me that is ugly.
It's scary, it's sad, it hurts me to see this.
I can't understand this, and I don`t think you can either.
I have tried to help you, to protect you.
To let you figure things on your own.
I'be tried to get you other help.
I'be tried from every angle I can think of.
It hurts me that I can't help you, or protect you, or figure things out.
All I want to do is Love you, protect you, hold you, keep you safe.
Keep you from someone hurting you.
Keep you from hurting yourself in any way.
I want you to be happy, healthy, hopeful.
To have good things, to do good things, to pass on to good things.
I Love you my daughter.
Someday you will figure out just how much.