Love Poem: Love Tossed and Twice Lost
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Written by: CayCay Jennings

Love Tossed and Twice Lost

We had been up, down and sideways with lonely nights and solitary days.
We had seen total darkness dispensed from our fights.
Our heads began believing our wrongs could not discover our rights,
so we departed from all shared disappointments and delights.

For years we were not together and, seemingly, separated forever,
but time apart grew colors other than blue, colors of belonging together;
colors so bright in shade they were bound to enhance the couple we made.
Holding hands, we walked our recommitted love out of the shade.

Now, tufts of grass grow that we excitedly planted together,
As does a small tree we once fought to protect from weather.
Our jewelry lays in the same box, our pink and blue brushes touch;
Knick-knacks and memorabilia are displayed, that reflect both of us;
There are wall pictures I crafted that you framed and fastened;
In each room are rugs and wallpaper we laid, plus shelving we made;
Your towel hangs right by mine and our dirty clothes lay entwined;
Photo albums are full of memories in mass, as is our wine corks' stash; 
The fish you caught and I had mounted, sits on our mantel, proudly flaunted;
By our shared sink is your razor, I use, and my hair gel, you always refuse;
And, our beloved music is stacked, tastes of mine and yours, back to back.
All visible joys were once a plus, but lately they darken and confuse us.

We now live inside walls we painted, hiding hearts we tainted.
I listen to your words, hold you close, stare into your eyes, 
feel your warm skin and still do not know where you begin.
My every emotion is timid, clumsy, shaded and compromised.

When quiet is still and I’m alone, I know that soon I’ll be on my own
and I moan for an easing of our shared pain and inevitable heart strain.
I desire that communication between our emotions be spoken plain,
but know that’s impossible for uncompanions whose love lays slain. 

... CayCay Jennings
July 30, 2016