Love Vs Lust
Love renders us to bloom.
Lust stifles us into gloom.
Feeding food with care is love.
Surrendering body for hunger is lust.
Cajoling for copulation everyday not knowing
the mood of the girl is pure lust.
Accepting the denial of her with smile portrays love.
Smoldering looks stirs the heart:
where in,
Implosion becomes love.
Explosion becomes lust.
Kissing from heart is love.
Fondling from persuasion is lust.
Love gives happiness.
Lust kills happiness.
Salacious skin always luring to commit the sin.
Hurried lips keeps exploring in hunger to devour the forbidden fruit to seek pleasure, incurring pain.
Penetrating the eyes with delicate gaze,
And thrusting the heart with tender care
paints pure love.
When you always intend to have coitus..Where comes the love?
Does making love promote love or lust?!
If it is exceeds a restricted limit it is supposed to be called lust and not love.
Finally, I would compare love to a soft petal and lust to a spine.
Note:Love or Lust Poetry Contest
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