Love When Is It Your Turn
Just close your eyes and try to imagine...
The last time you felt love, with an everlasting passion......
Was it yesterday, or maybe the day before....
But when is it the right time for love, only you know....
Will it come in the day, or sneak up during the night....
Or will it come real easy, or will you have to put up a fight.....
Will you accept it with open arms, or will you turn your back and walk away.....
Love comes, it goes, but when will you decide it can stay......
Do you trust it, or will you judge it, or will you let passion lead the way....
But time and time again you ask youself....
When will it be my day.....
Will you love it for eternity, and never take it for granted........
Or would you miss use it like a person, and end up empty handed.......
Its a bond like no other, like a child and a mother.....
But if you don't allow it into your heart, then how can it take you any further.....
It lives and breaths off of every kiss, touch,or hug.......
Or even in the bed making sweet love......
But is this all you think of when you think about love.....
Or do you feel it in your soul, and share it with another.....
He or She wants to Love you until their dying day.......
But without Love where would you be today.......