Love Poem: Love With a Black Heart
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Written by: Unknown Unknown

Love With a Black Heart

Love, what is love
Scientifically love is a chemical reaction 
but it is something deeper than that
it is the feeling you get for one single other person
one that you would go to hell and back for 

But not every feels the same
at a point in someones life they offer their heart to someone
and that person gives it to someone else
when that happens they try and give it to other people
but instead of giving their heart they are giving themselves away
until one day they give up on love

When someone hits that point they become different than everyone else
they see the world in a single
the heart, soul, mind all of it is black as the depths of space
they become hard, they body grows tired, they see nothing except darkness
they become shambling people who are just trying to stay in line with the world

I have become one of these beings of black,
everything i touch or try to care about drifts away and dies, or turns on me
I wish to see the world like everyone else, but I have chosen my path in this world
I use my darkness to bring the light out of others dark, maybe this is my new way of showing love?

So I ask you, when you stare into the mirrors eyes, what do you see?
Do you see the darkness of lost love, or the light of a happy heart?
I ask What is love, to you?