Love Without Bound
Take my soul
Take my heart
Heart embracing love
Heart forever dreaming
Dreaming my desires
Dreaming of our love
Love without end
Love I give to you
You are my strength
You are my life
Life imparts passion
Life we shall share
Share each night
Share each hope
Hope lived as one
Hope embraces we two.
Two lives entwined
Two souls clinched
Clinched evermore
Clinched love so sweet
Sweet scents each day
Sweet dreams as one
One fearing naught
One love is right
Right choices sing joy
Right living gives gifts
Gifts we give freely
Gifts that are pure
Pure love endures
Pure hearts are unselfish
Unselfish ways share
Unselfish hearts forgive
Forgive when wronged
Forgive endlessly
Endlessly we shall be one
Endlessly we shall love
Love lives and gives more
Love hopes and fears not
Not because of demands
Not that but by good will
Will is the motivating spirit
Will my will chooses you
You whom I trust
You for whom my soul yearns
Yearns to be one in marriage
Yearns to be forever bound
Bound on Earth by love
Bound in Heaven forever
Love –
Forever –
Inspired by the Blitz Contest