Love Poem: Love Without End
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Love Without End

Stardust clings to the edges of my heart,
remembering the gentling, serene
Still moments burnt across my thoughts,
in hues of melodies, bright and sure,
trembling on seas of hope,
resting beneath the sprays of light,
stirring impressions so soft, embracing
every prayer, each plea, each blessing
sighing like dewdrops mourning
on the surfs of ever knowing, 
shadows flowing, like the wind, the silence
bursting through the night,
glistening so alive, a glow, reflecting…
what it means to confide in the breathless
beautiful, expressions of God’s musical,
His affection bringing us creativity
beyond our comprehension,
ingenuity that shapes the leaves,
the rustling trees, the rose, the thorn,
the brilliance of angel’s wings,…

from the heart, comes a wonder
that sings and sings and sings…

He is love and His song is grace
With Him, life is more than blessed.
Life is composed of the sweetest hymns,
Life is written on stardust whims,
Life is compiled of beautiful gems.

With Him, life is inspired by the love that lives
Forever and always – precious presence
The One who is eternal, King that reigns supernal
Love beyond description – love that is alive and without end!