Love Without Fail
He is driven to the Day Hospice each week without fail,
Walking with a cane, hunched over, tall, thin and very frail.
He kisses his wife goodbye and touches her hand as she leaves,
Although she reassures him, the loss of her presence he perceives.
Even as cancer invades his body and steals his last rational thought,
He rambles on with his stories, the appropriate word is sought.
Sitting on the couch with others, he tries to join the conversation,
Topics always lead to his wife, he points to the vase with the carnation.
He reminisces about volunteering and the bible classes they taught,
Then suddenly he gets up to leave, tears running, becoming distraught
Demanding his wife be able to attend this place to receive the loving care,
Weeping he whispers, my wife deserves this so much more, it’s only fair,
Unable to settle, always keeping a watchful eye on the door for his wife,
Longing for the most important person, she has been the center of his life.
For love is always present, for those who have been loved, you believe,
Love that is true does not disappear, even in illness or when you grieve.
**Day Hospice is a day program provided to dying patients where they share friendship and games, and are provided a fine dining meal. It allows the caregiver (family) a day of rest.
Placed 10th in Contest for
Poems that have lost in other