Love You Messages
When the StraightWhite Patriarchal President
sent out his Praise and Thanks Message
"We love you"
to those who would cathartically enjoy beheading
VicePresident St. Peter's Pence
loves homophobic St. Paul,
This felt like too much tolerating
an unconstitutional intolerable
absence of basic civil respect,
Inspired by a left-brain dominant
bottom-line economic
and politically fascist preference
for direct militant vengeful
Over endless parliamentary procedurally deadly debate
about who is rightfully in SuperCharged White
Might is capitalist Right
supreme patriarchal unchanging power.
How does this same Valentine Iconic message sound
directed toward an Insurgency of Untouchables
when issued by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's ghost
teacher and activist healer
through non-violent communication
Perhaps another instance of compassion's word choices
leading to theologically unreasonable GoldenRule positions
tolerating intolerable
Western PatriarchalCapitalist (PC) Aggressors,
BusinessAsUsual cancel polycultural health,
rapists of MotherEarth
and other drunken sensory diversions,
bipolar oppressions,
chronic stressed out cognitive
v. affective non-verbal dominantly
monoculturally miseducated
lack of true wealth is health
What happens if "We Love You"
speaks from brown-skinned Obama Oval Office
to We Are Save the EarthSick Steal CoMessiahs
Do such deep and widely Brown impassioned insurgents
reek of Intolerable Violence?
Speak of BlackPower against all Others
acting outwardly
from our inside fragile Strength!
(in klanish political
yet essentially economic interdependent numbers)
Then what would you,
and what might they
have intolerably concluded
about the wisdom of shunning
long-term left-brain violent
intolerant survivalist ZeroSum
SeizeTheDay behavior?
Take no hostages,
or maybe one or two...
Before right-brain
ecofeminist self/other EarthMother
and SacredSource
speaks up like Thunder
and ends with pathological climate Winds
of intolerable fires,
flooding waves of untouchable thirst
and intolerable starvation,
homelessness and deprivation
of Earth's Here/Now great
not quite so White privileged
Living together through silent natural springs
of spiritual acceptance,
active empathic "I Love Us"
rather than mere sympathy for your loss
"We Love You"
(even you useless weak Losers).
non-violently pro-active sacred curiosity,
interdependently humble faithfulness,
courage to trust in cooperative integrity,
to compassionately communicate
Win/Win Messages to heartlessly violent
Win/Lose UnTouchables.
All that said
and set Prince Valiantly aside,
Following up with
"You are doing your patriotic duty
to stop this steal
back to a healthier cooperative solidarity
in uniting EarthDemocratic Trust"
To float downstream with evolution's regenerative
widening natural/spiritual stream
of healthy eco-political consciousness
Co-empathic with all love relationships
once aspiring to cooperatively become
a healthier sacred egalitarian
economic and politically active
(yet not empire-building reactive)
green communion.
Healthy democratic LoveMessages
invite more of a compassionate response
Win/Win thriving communion
of ecosystemically healthy communities
for well-being EarthUnity,
healthy prosperity
of all co-empathic non-predators,
at least not Here
and not RightWing
This overpowering "patriotic duty"
to think and feel intolerable
untouchable misunderstanding
of long-term ecofeminist political win/win
nonviolent communication analysis
Of healthcare regenerative memories
of a nation,
a planet,
a person,
a strong-flow rooted plant,
love stream
A few of whom re-emerge from StraightWhite patriarchal
miseducational lack of organic holistic healthy resilient
systemic listening
and sacred reflection
Education that Enlightens
and invites empowering civics deep learning discussion circles
which might have better served 43 co-dependent
economically codependent Senators
who do not feel responsible
to Hippocratic Oaths--
at least do no EarthTribe health-systemic harm
In a recent full-Southern purifying sweep
still hoping for a Revival
of perpetual unChristian privileged disunion,
self-Righteous intolerance,
untouchable fear
of white-skinned eco-political Failure
to polyculturally
healthy EarthThrive
Throughout this polyglot
of Love You messages;
useful to whom
for what empowering/enlightening
climatic end
of meaningful co-invested
bicameral co-relationship?