Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
Love Your Neighbor As Yourself!
I knew of a Christian who
made an assumption.
Regarding his neighbor, he believed
a false presumption.
He slandered his neighbor… Yes he did!
He didn't “agree” with how this neighbor lived.
His neighbor was a Christian too.
But he didn't treat him as a
Christian should do.
In front of his family, he'd
“put his neighbor down.”
Unforgiveness in his heart, continued to abound.
As the days and weeks would pass on by,
Not once to his neighbor… Would he say “hi!”
Mean things would he speak of to his spouse.
Never once inviting him to his house.
Someday we'll also stand before
God's judgment throne
Everything will be judged…
Whether at work or at home.
How do you treat your neighbor? Are you ashamed?
What happens one day,
when God calls out your name?
How you treat others will
determine your destiny.
Where will your neighbor be spending his eternity?
The way you treat your neighbor
speaks of your life as well.
Will you love your neighbor to heaven...
or “condemn” him to hell?
By Jim Pemberton 07/25/15