Love Poem: Loved
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Written by: Lynn Haas


As I got up and looked at Albert
He seemed a bit surprised,
For he saw me with out make up
As he looked me in the eyes

He saw me as I really am
Without the gook and clothes
He saw me in my jammies
And heaven only knows 

That once I was a young girl
But that was in the past
Now I am much older
And my beauty is fading fast

I still have the same smile 
And I have mellowed quite a bit
I still run, sing, and play,
And I have not lost my wit

I wake up every morning 
And know that I am loved
And each day I count my blessings
That comes only from above

All that love comes to me 
each and every day
As I walk with Him and talk with Him then 
God sends me on my way