Loved By the King
I’m so unworthy, Lord
Your kindness showers my soul
With so many blessings, Lord…
I can always feel Your gentle love
Flowing across my heart, my dreams
Reminding me that You are here
With me, pouring out hope – abundant
Joy that, without You, is only imaginable
Never the wonder that abides
In the praises I feel on the inside
I’m so inadequate, Lord
Yet, you still love and assure me
You will always be available,
Silencing every cloud of doubt
Purifying my thoughts, my feelings
With a love that won’t be defeated
A love that is wise and warm
Sweeter than honey, coloring my heart
In hues of compassion, love everlasting
I’m so unqualified, Lord
To serve the One who gave me love
Love that I can never describe with words
Love so abundant it lights the whole world
With serenity and grace, stirring up faith
That guides and abides on the inside
Filling my entire life with meaning, desire
Anticipation of that enlightenment
That frees me and relieves me of all doubt
Silencing every fear – wiping away each tear
With love that fights the darkness
In hues of sincerity and insight – blessings
Rained down from the heavens
Abundant and alive – inspiring wonders
I’m nothing, dear Jesus…
But You still love me so completely
With a love that breathes motivation
Stimulation and creativeness
Into this heart who is so very thankful
Because You gave me a second chance
To be the daughter who knows You as…
Savior, Creator – love more powerful
Than any feeling or thought, so strong
The comprehension never lets you go
It always bestows gentle love, kind hope
Faith that believes beyond any hesitation
With a belief that has not one reservation
I’m nothing, beloved King…
Yet, with you, I am a daughter of royalty
Descendant of the King of Kings
Servant of the One who frees and relieves
The One who my heart is forever thankful to know
The One who makes my life delight and hope
The One who abides inside where I can grow
Closer than a brother, closer than a friend, closer
To the One who saved me from my sin!
Thank you, Jesus – For giving me this gift
Life everlasting – life that is blessed by You
The answer to my prayers – my pleas
For a love that lives on through eternity!