Loved To Death
Five years together
And still going strong
But you made mistakes
And its love gone wrong
Remember the first time we met
It was the fifth of June
I gave you my number
And said call me soon
You called me the next day
We went out on a date
Everything was perfect
You weren’t even late
I thought to myself
This must be it
You drove me home
And gave me a good night kiss
That was five years ago
Nothing was the same since then
I cry every night
‘Cause you made my heart bend
I came home one night
With a new bracelet on my wrist
You said who gave it to me
And raised your fist
Then I was on my way to the hospital
That’s all I knew
With a bad concussion
And an eye that was black and blue
The trouble didn’t end there
But we continued to love
One time it was black and blue
The other time, there was blood
June 5th 2009
Out fifth anniversary
But I wasn’t there
I had to leave
To find me
Go to a place where there is lumber
But don’t look hard
I’m buried six feet under
I lay there peacefully
Getting my rest
And how did I get there
You loved me to death