Lovely Blonde Locks
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, such beautiful hair
I bet it needs a lot of care
Oh how I love these lovely blonde locks
And those blue eyes, ever ready to shock
The tower in which you so sweetly sang
And all around the echo of your haunting melody rang
Often you’d let down your curly tresses
For the young prince’s hot caresses
Those wild kisses and encircling arms
Away from prying eyes of people on the farms
The evil witch in her scarlet coat
Would come visiting by the boat
And sternly call from right under
Her shrill voice would ring like thunder
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair
That I might climb the golden stair
Enchanting is this love tale
That children have heard all around the vale
And preserved to be retold again
The world will a lot from this gain
By Tahera Mannan
For Linda’s ‘Disney’ contest