Lovely Flowers In Prom
A paradise of natural nature bouquets displayed:
of yellow, orange, pink, red roses of redolent scented phase.
Lilies, tulips, daisies, daffodils and violets are of bountiful blooms
All these have enchanted scents of fresh fragrant perfumes cues;
bringing love interludes.
On the countryside, new scents of morning-glory flowers are new:
wildflowers are there with colorful shades and hues.
By a home flower orchids, geraniums and marigolds do soothe.
Pinned are carnations at shoulder height level views.
Rhododendron and impatiens of the color purple do muse.
Bowing their heads are of yellow and white sunflowers to you.
Their seeds are a delightful protein fuel.
Azalea, buttercups, mums, lilacs; soften the mood.
Springtime, summertime and fall-time
has botanical flower gardens with gala venues.
Flowers and bees intertwine to produce pure delicious honey.
Flowers for us are an in-depth botany study.
A local natural land treasury of perennials and annual resume.
Dried flowers preserved are uniquely lovely tribute.
This to have for five to seven lasting enjoyable years to share.
Green thumbs are awarded to the most flowery flower gardens.
Purposely pluck pretty prickly prime red roses and white lilies for a vase, and give them to a pretentious precocious loved member.
This a love memory that will last in everyone hearts story.
These are of the "lively lovely flowers in prom,"
those in one's hands and on upon all lands.
Yet, of all of these: they are but a small reflection of the true prettiest of them all.
The "Rose of Sharon," this who is Jesus, the Christ, the Lovely Lord. The creator of all flowers of whom I do most admire and adore.